Attendance Roster

Attendance Roster 2.0.1

Attendance Roster

Platform:Android 2.1 and up
Updated:2013-03-04 22:59:28
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Are you an educator? Roster app lets you keep track of your students' attendance. Whether you are a college professor, K-12 teacher, graduate assistant, workshop facilitator or even a guitar instructor, forget clumsy piles of paper since your Android-powered phone is already in your pocket.

We love receiving feedback! support [at] flapsapps [dot] com

Compatibility and Requirements

Not compatible with most tablets including:
• ASUS Eee Pad Transformer
• Samsung GALAXY Tab
• Toshiba AT100, Thrive
• Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY
• HTC Flyer


• Import list of students directly from your computer so you don't have to type it on the phone
• Enter your predefined schedule, or allow Roster to automatically add classes as you go
• Keep track of attendance by marking students as present, late, absent, or absent with an excuse.
• Enter multiple classes and have an instant overview of your teaching history.
• Take photos on the spot and keep your students' photographs on the roster.
• Send attendance data to yourself as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file, so you can open it in any spreadsheet application.


The landscape of Android devices is enormous enough that a three-person team that we are cannot possibly test the app on hundreds of different devices and carriers. Due to this fragmentation, it is notoriously difficult to ensure that camera features, for example, work reliably across devices. While we are constantly expanding the pool of testing devices and while we limit the sale of the app to what we think are capable devices only, your feedback helps us do a better job at this. We love that you take the time to rate and review the app, but if you have questions or specific problems, please let us know via email as we have no way to respond to comments on the Android Market or ask you for details.

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