Blobby Wallpaper Friend

Blobby Wallpaper Friend 8

Blobby Wallpaper Friend

Platform:Android 2.1 and up
Updated:2013-03-06 22:07:02
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Total downloads: 8
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Blobby is a cute, squishable, liquid-body friend who likes to bounce and morph in your homescreen.
He does not speak that much, but you can play with him just by moving your phone or trying to grab him with a fingertip. You can also customize Blobby look by choosing from many accessories. Does not require food :)

- Customizable background (wallpaper) from your gallery
- Better graphics
- You can customize Blobby with many accessories (shades, hats..)
- More preferences to tune up as you like
Keywords: Live Wallpaper Blobby

Your suggestions for new accessories/features is GREATLY WELCOME, please you're encouraged to mail me to submit requests, I usually reply all mail from you Blobby-breeders :D

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