Dark Grunge GO Launcher Theme

Dark Grunge GO Launcher Theme 1.5

Dark Grunge GO Launcher Theme

Platform:Android 2.0 and up
Updated:2011-09-22 03:21:00
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220+ new Icons for your device!

(How to apply: Press menu button on home screen > Themes > scroll right to Dark Grunge > Apply)

This "Dark Grunge" theme is intended to be used with the included full black background and to produce as few colours as possible - minimal style. AMOLED displays use less/no energy for the individual black pixels, so I hope it will have a positive effect on battery life.

Included are over 220 custom icons which will be applied with the theme, see screenshots for details!

System apps are included, also a lot of Market apps such as:
Amazon, Autostarts, ConvertPad, Compass, Chrome to Phone, Dropbox, DSP, Google Earth, Ebay, Engadget, Evernote, Facebook, Quickpic, Gesture Search, GO apps, Google plus, Huddle, Handcent, Huffington Post, IMDB, LEO dictionary, Adobe PDF + Photoshop Express, ROM Manager, Unified Remote, Skype, Fruit Slice, At&T, AVG, BubbleBlast, Endomondo, ESPN, BBC, Groupon, Kindle, Gas Buddy, MyTracks, Tetris, Trapster, Vevo, Zedge, Gmx, Chase, SuperUser, 3G Watchdog, various messenger, Twitter, Task Manager, Weibo, RenRen, QQ, UC, WordsFree, Yahoomail, JuiceDefender, Dictionary, Mortplayer, Springpad and many more!

If you are missing some of your favorite apps please email to arbeitsnenad@gmail.com and I will try to consider them in the next icon pack.
In case you encounter any visual glitches please email to arbeitsnenad@gmail.com with a short description and your phone model. This theme has been tested on HDPI, MDPI and LDPI devices.

Thank you!