HashiriyaMeterWidget PRO

HashiriyaMeterWidget PRO 1.9.1

HashiriyaMeterWidget PRO

Platform:Android 2.1 and up
Updated:2013-03-08 18:56:18
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--The difference from the free version--
It corresponded to the graphical representation of battery residual quantity and battery temperature.

It corresponded to design change of the widget.

It is a battery residual quantity display to a status bar.

-Battery remainder widget
-Battery temperature widget
-Battery voltage widget
-Internal memory widget
-Wifi switch widget
-Bluetooth switch widget
-Screen rotation switch widget
-Screen brightness switch widget(BETA)
-Gps switch widget

The lighting conditions of the peak lamp of various meter, and a warning lamp.
- Switch on the light with 20% or less of battery residual quantity.
- It is 45 battery temperature or more, and switch on the light.
- Below the battery voltage 3.7v switches on the light above 4.15v.

In an information display screen, the present battery information, the memory usage fee inside a terminal, the starting time of a main part, and lapsed time are displayed.


*Please relocate the widget after the upgrade.