LiveView Remote Camera Plugin

LiveView Remote Camera Plugin 2.2

LiveView Remote Camera Plugin

Author:NeFa Studio
Updated:2015-08-08 15:40:09
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Remotely control camera in your android device with LiveView

NOTE:You need Sony Ericsson LiveView device to use this software

***If preview delays too much or button response is too slow, try lowering refresh rate (700 - 800ms). I will be keep on working to improve performance.

Please try trial first to see if this works with your device.

Remotely control camera of your android device. While previewing, tap up/left/right to change setting, hold down (down button) for few seconds to take picture.

On your LiveView device, you can
-check preview
-take shot
-change resolution
-change focus mode
-change flush mode
-change self timer (none, 5sec, 10sec)
-embed GPS info in photo
-silent mode (no shutter sound)

When taking picture with GPS info, make sure it says "GPS ok" on lower-left corner. It may take a while before GPS becomes available (you can still take picture before GPS becomes available, but info will not be embedded).

Taking photo with high resolution might result in error (out of memory). If this happens, please workaround by lowering the resolution.

Silent mode has limitation in resolution (lower resolution).

Depending on device or system state, data transfer between device and LiveView might not go smooth resulting in slow or no response in LiveView. Hope this will get fixed in next LiveView firmware / software.

Feel free to send me any problems, requests, etc.
