Marauder's Map

Marauder's Map 1.5

Marauder's Map

Platform:Android 1.5 and up
Updated:2011-09-21 23:11:09
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Just like Harry Potter, keep tabs on your professors as they roam the castle!

Just like Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling's generation-changing book series, you too can keep tabs on professors and archenemies alike as they roam the castle! Keep it secret from others -- it looks and acts like a lock screen, but only you can reveal the map!
Special Deathly Hallows Price! $1.00

Swipe left to unlock and return to the menu
Swipe down to view credits and instructions
Swipe an "M" shape to view the map
Tap/Voice Activation coming soon!

v1.5 - Fixed Screen Rotation Issue