Mr Potato - Spider Spud

Mr Potato - Spider Spud 1.0.1

Mr Potato - Spider Spud

Platform:Android 1.6 and up
Updated:2011-09-21 23:10:52
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Spider Spud!

Mr Potato Head has done it again with his latest incarnation - Spider Spud. Now Potato Head himself has donned the famous red Spidey Suit beloved of Peter Parker and is set to web-up an increasingly crime-ridden world.

Manipulate each part to create your own personal potato! Potatoes can be saved in this version for later use. Set your potato as a wallpaper or contact icon avatar. Share with friends using social app's such as Facebook and Twitter installed on your phone.

VIDEO SHOWS THE TOYSTORY VERSION - Operation for the Spud Lightyear version is the same.