Radiator / BTU Calculator 1.0.1
Radiator / BTU Calculator

This application is a must for anyone who wants to find out what radiator BTU's / kW are required for a particular room size. This app has been converted from the highly popular iPhone version due to demand.
Wether you have existing radiators and want to check that they are the correct size or if you are adding a new radiator to a room; this is the application for you.
The simple yet intuitive interface allows you the choice of measurements in feet or meters.
This calculator has the added benefit of showing you the BTU required and also the kW required.
Features that can be adjusted for the BTU calculation include:
Room volume
Room use
Double glazing
North facing
French windows
Foam-filled or uninsulated cavity walls
2 or 3 outside walls
Units of measurement
Device Requirements :
Android 2.2 or higher
Adobe AIR 2.5 (free download)
radcalc, mear, plumbing, plumber, heating, calculator, radiator, diy, central, size, btu, hvac