Super Saiyan LWP Ad Free

Super Saiyan LWP Ad Free 2.1.0

Super Saiyan LWP Ad Free

Platform:Android 2.1 and up
Updated:2013-03-08 16:42:39
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As per popular demand, Super Saiyan Live Wallpaper is now available with no ads for a small price, in order to support the developer.

DBZ fans, we have yet another peach for you! Remember the first time Goku went super saiyan against Frieza? Oh man, it was beyond awesome.

In Super Saiyan live wallpaper, we decided to capture the very essence of going super saiyan. Watch the golden energy generate to the top, as Vegeta is ascending in the background! You can also make it float faster, slower, left, right, down, or turn it off completely for a simple wallpaper.

There are more settings to play around with. Check them out for yourself!

Try it! It gives your phone a really cool look, needs no launcher, uses very little battery and works on all phones! Turn your phone into a Super Saiyan phone with this Super Saiyan live wallpaper!

Please rate and let us know what you think in the comments below :)

Follow us on Twitter @LWP_Creator. We'll be posting more cool free live wallpapers!