Talking Diddy Dog

Talking Diddy Dog 8.0.1

Talking Diddy Dog

Updated:2015-08-08 14:42:27
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Woof! Diddy Dog, is not the brightest dog out there, but he sure is adorable. He's a cute, lovable and ready to play! Speak to him and he talks back! The perfect talking children's app for all ages, available in both FREE and Paid Ad-Free versions.

Kids will love Talking Diddy Dog, download now to start the fun!

★ talk to Diddy Dog and hear him repeat your words back to you
★ slap his face touching your finger on his head
★ tap his left hand to make him mad!
★ tap his right hand to make him happy!
★ tap his leg to punch him!
★ slide your finger on his stomach to make him giggle
★ press a button to give food
★ press a button to see a dance!
★ shake the app!

He interacts with you!
★ He has a hungry meter that goes down over time and if it does, you can make him eat to raise the meter

★ He has a love meter which goes up or down based on giggling or actions that make him mad like tapping

We are committed to improving the quality of our apps, if you are experiencing issues, please email us directly at and please tell us which phone you have.

★ App2Sd installation
★ On-The-Go 11MB Video Download
★ Help the Family! Download the App!

★ 3D Modeling and Animation by Magic Spangle Studios Pvt. Ltd.