Ashampoo MP3 Cover Finder

Ashampoo MP3 Cover Finder 1.0.17

Ashampoo MP3 Cover Finder

Platform:Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Windows 8
Updated:2015-09-24 21:47:17
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Ashampoo MP3 Cover Finder automatically finds and downloads the most suitable covers for your MP3 music so you can enjoy beautiful artwork across all your music devices. In the process, the application also fills in any missing ID-3 metadata to make your MP3 music easily searchable and organizable. Most player applications rely on this metadata to classify music, e.g. by artist, album or genre. Once your MP3s are fully tagged, you can rely on your favorite music player application to auto-create meaningful playlists and add new variety to your listening experience.

Single-page user interface with several high-contrast color schemes for maximum ease of use
1-click music adding: from file, from folder, from my music, via drag and drop
Find covers by album or single
Assign covers and metadata automatically or use the integrated ID-3 tag editor for individual editing
Intelligent fingerprint technology to identify MP3 tracks even without proper metadata or file names
Relies on multiple trusted online sources for best results