Recommended Password Managers downloads

APG can recover the password for Access files

Verwalten Sie sensible Daten, wie Passwörter

Store your passwords on a portable USB drive
Size: 2.54MB

Fort is a secure identity manager for Windows
Size: 8.56MB

Shows the password hidden under asterisks.
Size: 5.56MB

You only need to remember one password!
Size: 16.02MB

Securely encrypt and manage passwords Win/Mac
Size: 2.83MB

Password management with password generator
Size: 4.29MB

A free password generator for your computer.
Size: 0.95MB

Recovers passwords for RAR (WinRAR) archives.
Size: 4.79MB

Recovers passwords for ZIP (WinZIP) archives
Size: 4.81MB

Bytexis MSN Passwords Viewer
Size: 0.21MB

100% Windows Password Reset Guaranteed!
Size: 378MB

Secure password manager for enterprise.
Size: 3.66MB