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Displaying-editing-printing hypertext docs
Displaying-editing-printing hypertext docs
Generate, draw, and print barcode symbols.
Bit Manipulation Functions for Visual Basic.
Size: 1.26MB
Displaying-editing-printing hypertext docs
Size: 79.75MB
VMS Pro is a free video management system.
Size: 42.35MB
ERP Client and Server System In VB.NET Source
Size: 20MB
Milesight VMS Pro is a central management system.
Size: 42.35MB
SQLite Data Access Components for Delphi
Size: 25.87MB
Visual model designer for Entity Framework
Size: 36.7MB
Generate matrix and stacked 2D barcode symbol
Size: 16.96MB
Size: 6MB
Calculate PURE code lines for VB6 (100% FREE)
Size: 0.79MB
Milesight VMS Lite is a video management system.
Size: 13.5MB
Milesight VMS Lite is a video management system.
Size: 13.5MB
Software Design Tools
Size: 41.47MB
Algorithms to calculate lexicographic order.
Size: 23KB
Barcode generation/recognization components
Size: 13.09MB
Compile Raspberry Pi software from Windows
Size: 0.21MB
HelpVistaXPDiamond Enterprise Edition 2008
Size: 5.38MB