Desktop Guitar 2.0.1
Desktop Guitar

Desktop Guitar is basically a chord generator for string instruments with many additional capabilities. Plus the standard tuning of a guitar, all open tunings are supported. Furthermore Desktop Guitar is able to produce chord voicings for any string instrument like luthe, mandolin, ukule, etc... only to name some common ones. Requirements for a user-defined instrument are a minimum of 3 and a maximun of 6 strings as well as a chromatic fret layout. For audio replay it's assumed that a subsequent string has a higher pitch than the preceding one. Both, english and german notations are supported.
Additionally you can assemble your own song from different chords, save or print it or paste it into your word processor, presentation, drawing or whatever you want.
The program also contrains 'Mobile Guitar', a version for mobile phones and other devices. Required for installation is Bluetooth on both, your PC and your mobile device. Your mobile device must be able to run Java apps (J2ME, Micro edition)