
DrumPads 2


Author:Zeta Centauri
Platform:WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 10, Windows 8
Updated:2016-08-20 20:28:00
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DrumPads is a virtual drum kit for Windows that lets you play drum sounds using your mouse or touch screen. It has 12 playable drum pads and 100 different high-quality drum samples.

In addition to being playable using a mouse or touchscreen, you can also play drum sounds using your computer keyboard, with each drum pad able to be triggered with a key on the keyboard. It also supports MIDI input and output for controlling or being controlled by external hardware such as drum machines and synthesizers.

DrumPads is a lot of fun and is great for live play. Use it to jam with your friends or for live performances.

You can use the arrow on each pad to cycle to the next or previous drum sample. If you want a different sound, just hit the arrow until you find something you like. When you've built a drum kit that you like, you can save it to use later.