Sakai Sync Pro
Sakai Sync Pro
Best utility to sync your pc with sakai sites. Sakai Sync is a small utility mainly developed to help you automate the lengthy process of downloading every file manually from your Sakai Suite course site. With this utility you just have to add your sites to Sakai Sync software and all of your course resources will be downloaded automatically to the folder you specified during site setup. Whenever you click on sync button or an automatic sync is performed the program will first of all try to replicate the directory structure of your course site to your local folder, then it will start downloading the course resources one by one, or if you are not synchronizing for the first time it will get a list of files and folders from server and then compares them with the local structure if any file or folder is missing it will download it or it will update any file that has changed since last sync.
"This utility is created to always keep you updated with your course resources."