Stellar Audio Video Converter

Stellar Audio Video Converter 1.0

Stellar Audio Video Converter

Platform:Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinVista, WinXP
Updated:2013-07-26 04:40:09
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Stellar Audio Video Converter is a comprehensive solution to all problems related to audio-video file conversion on Windows. The software transforms your audios and videos to specific files that can be played on a range of programs and devices. The software has been designed with special algorithms to facilitate speedy conversion between media files. Besides performing audio/video conversion, the software easily rips Audio CDs to extract specific audio tracks from the optical disc.

With Stellar Audio Video Converter, you can convert your audio and video files without compromising the original digital media quality. Sometimes, you feel listening to the audio transcript of your favorite movie or video. In such cases, you can use the video converter to convert your video or an entire movie into MP3 and play it using your media player. The tool supports all popular video file formats, including MPG, MP4, MKV, FLV, AVI, 3GP, and WMV. You can also convert your entire music library to audio files of specific formats playable on several portable audio players. The software can easily transform various common audio formats, such as MP3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, OGG, AAC, and MP4. The audio video converter has a lucid interface and a streamlined approach that helps in minimizing the overall time and effort required for performing conversion. With this professional utility, you can successfully run your media files on a number of incompatible platforms and devices.